What are your character strengths and virtues? How do you know if you’re using them to their fullest potential? In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of leaning into your character strengths and virtues. More importantly, we will talk about how you can identify your character strengths and virtues based on your Myers

When you are coaching or advising somebody, it is important to understand their personality type. This will help you give them the best advice possible and improve your communication with them. Not everyone responds to direct advice in the same way, and some people might not even understand what you’re trying to tell them if

When it comes to sales, personality types are everything. If you don’t have the right personality type for the job, it’s going to be tough to make sales. And if you can’t understand the personality type of your customer, you’re not going to be able to sell them anything. In this blog post, we’ll discuss

How you handle yourself in your relationships says a lot about you as a person. Are you someone who easily gets resentful? Do you find it difficult to stay positive? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Many people struggle with maintaining positivity and avoiding resentment in their relationships. But the good news is

Do you ever feel like you and your partner are from two different worlds? That’s because, in a way, you are. We all have different personalities and preferences when it comes to communication and information intake. If we can be aware of these differences and learn how to navigate them successfully, we can get along

In his book The 5 Love Languages, Gary Chapman, a marriage counsellor of over 35 years, describes the five different love languages that people use, need, and respond to. For humans, he noted, these languages are like oil is to a car. Without them, engines and people seize up and can’t operate smoothly or efficiently. Chapman

Do other people constantly hurt your feelings when communicating with you? Are you told your communication style upsets and offends others? Do people claim you’re too hard and rational? Or maybe too emotional and irrational? If so, there’s a very good reason! As humans, we have two rational processes for making decisions: thinking and feeling.

Boy meets girl. They fell in love, get married (or move in together). Weeks pass…months…maybe even years…the first stage of love starts to fade and things begin to change. Many things she found attractive seem to disappear or lose their luster. Her endearing, lovable quirks suddenly annoy and frustrate him. The relationship normalizes. Boy and

Perception and communication must align. Perception is the way we look at, understand, and interpret our world. Everyone’s perception is unique and coloured by a great many things. Environmental factors, culture, religion, our friends, innate personality type, temperament, our love languages, all impact how we view the world. I’ll cover all these factors (and more)
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